Friday, June 3, 2005

LCD Test Kit Group Buy!!

So I decided I would make a kit available for people who want to start playing with LCDs right now. I want to do it in the form of a group buy so that I can buy all of the parts at once at a discount rate.

The kit would include:

  • HD44780 4x16 LCD
  • Belkin USB to Parallel Adapter
  • USB A to B cable
  • Centronics to LCD cable
  • header pins to connect the cable to the LCD
  • a simple command line program to allow you to pipe text output (from logs, programs, etc.) to your LCD.
  • Instructions
  • Discount on any future products or software I make using the parallel interface.

This kit would require some soldering and is not a commercial product. If you want a nice, finished product, wait a few more months, and I should have something available.

I won't be making much money on this at all.

I think it would cost about $30 shipped if I can sell 10. So if you are interested, post a write back.


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