Sunday, October 12, 2008

iTunes LCDproc AppleScript

AppleScript Icon

Here is an AppleScript designed to display your current iTunes song on an LCDproc server. It uses expect to control a telnet session to the LCDproc server. You do not need Growl.

You must open it in Script Editor, save it as an application and select "Stay Open" in the save dialog. Then you can put it in your iTunes Scripts folder so it is accessible in iTunes.

Download the iTunes LCDproc AppleScript.


I updated the script so it uses very few processes now.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

LCDproc installer Mac OS X

I have created an LCDproc installer for Mac OS X. It is built for G3, G4 or G5 PowerPC Macs, but I should have an Intel build available soon. Intel Macs will not be able to use it. LCDproc gets installed into /usr/local/. A start-up script is included in /Library/StartUpItems/LCDproc. It is pre-configured for the Mac OS X USB LCD Kit. Once you install, just restart as instructed and LCDproc should be running on your Mac OS X USB LCD Kit. If you don't have the Mac OS X USB LCD Kit, you can edit the configuration file in /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf

Download the Mac OS X PowerPC LCDproc installer.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

GrowLCDproc 1.3.8 Available

Growl Claw

GrowLCDproc 1.3.8 is now available for download.

GrowLCDproc 1.3.8 adds true coalescing support, iTunes ratings support and improved display format. This means you will no longer get multiple screens for different songs if you skipped a song once it started. Also, the number of stars you have given a song will be translated by GrowLCDproc into asterisks. A marquee scroll is now used to improve readability for longer single-line messages. Finally, vertical scrolls have had the speed reduced and horizontal scrolls have been sped up slightly.

See it in action.

Take a look at the documentation.

Download the latest version now.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mac OS X USB LCD Kit LCDproc code


The source will hopefully be incorporated into LCDproc and I should have a compiled download available shortly.

THe default set up is for winamp wiring, but the MAC OS X USB LCD Kit is wired a bit differently. Make sure to uncomment:
to enable the proper wiring for the kit.

Update: 8/10/2008

The hd44780-USS720 driver code has been incorporated into LCDproc. I hope to have a compiled version available for download as soon as possible.

Mac OS X USB LCD Kit working with LCDproc

I have just finished an LCDproc driver for the Mac OS X USB LCD Kit. Sorry for the long delay on this, it had always been something I wanted to do. It should be incorporated into an LCDproc release soon.

The driver uses libusb, so it can be used on any OS supported by LCDproc. If anybody who purchased a kit is interested in testing it out, please email me.